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成人伦理片 BBC推选:7月抑制错过的8部佳片

发布日期:2024-10-21 01:58    点击次数:193

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《牡丹花下》(The Beguiled) 上映技能:7月6日(希腊)

BBC推选:7月抑制错过的8部佳片 成人伦理片

Sofia Coppola became the second woman ever to win the Best Director prize at Cannes for her remake of the 1971 Clint Eastwood revenge tale set in the deep South. Nicole Kidman is the headmistress of a girls' boarding school, who agrees to shelter a wounded Union soldier (Colin Farrell): rivalries simmer in the Gothic Western that also stars Kirsten Dunst and Elle Fanning. 索菲亚•科波拉翻拍了克林特•伊斯特伍德1971年的《牡丹花下》,并凭此成为戛纳电影节历史上的第二位最好女导演。影片叙述了一个发生在好意思国南边的复仇故事。妮可•基德曼饰演的女子投寄学校校长答允收容科林•法瑞尔饰演的朔方军伤兵。多样冲破也由此埋下了种子。这部西方哥特式惊悚电影的演员还包括克尔斯滕•邓斯特和艾丽•范宁。

Coppola has shifted the original film's narrative focus from the soldier to the women, ramping up the sexual tension. "The main crux of the story is about the dynamics between a group of women all stuck together, and then also the power shifts between men and women," she told Entertainment Weekly. "So for me, it's very universal, but it's in this exotic setting of the Southern gentility." 科波拉将原版电影中的士兵视角改成女性视角,加重了片中的性别冲破。她告诉《文娱周刊》:“故当事者要叙述的是一群在一谈的女性之间的互动联系,以及男女之间的权益调度问题。对我而言,这是一个各人性的话题,然则片中南边文明社会的布景设定很有兴味。”

《蜘蛛侠:英杰总结》(Spider-Man: Homecoming) 上映技能:7月7日(好意思国)


After his debut as a young Peter Parker in Captain America: Civil War, Tom Holland fleshes out the character as he returns home to his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). Robert Downey Jr co-stars as his mentor Tony Stark, and Michael Keaton takes on a villain role as the Vulture. The reboot of the Spider-Man franchise is the 16th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Holland confirmed that his character had been part of the MCU since 2010. Director Jon Watts has said "I do feel like now that Spider-Man is a part of this big crazy universe we can definitely tell some new stories". 汤姆•赫兰德饰演的“小蜘蛛侠”彼得•帕克在《好意思队3》中初次亮相后,回到家和姑姑梅(玛丽萨•托梅饰)一谈生计。他在片中将蜘蛛侠描写成一个生龙活虎的脚色。片中另一位主演——钢铁侠的演出者小罗伯特•唐尼饰演蜘蛛侠的导师。而迈克尔•基顿则演出邪派脚色“秃鹫”。漫威影业这次翻拍的蜘蛛侠系列电影是其第16部作品,赫兰德阐发,蜘蛛侠从2010年起就属于漫威电影天地。导演乔•沃茨称:“我以为咫尺蜘蛛侠是这个广博的豪恣天地的一分子了成人伦理片,咱们不错明确地张开新剧情啦。”

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